Common Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes & How To Avoid Them

bathroom being taped for repainting

Last Updated on January 24, 2024 by Kravelv

Remodeling a bathroom goes beyond simple improvements; it’s about completely transforming a key part of your home. In Elgin, Illinois, a city known for its unique architecture and changing seasons, redoing a bathroom means blending beauty with practicality. It’s an exciting project, but it’s not without its challenges. Mistakes can easily turn your dream bathroom into a less desirable outcome. Staying informed and proactive is essential to steer clear of usual renovation traps. This blog aims to guide you through these challenges, so be sure to read through to the end for valuable insights!

1. Overlooking Ventilation Needs

A key but often overlooked aspect of bathroom design is ventilation. Adequate ventilation is vital for preventing mold and mildew, which thrive in damp environments. Many homeowners regret not investing in a high-quality fan or neglecting to place it correctly. The ideal solution is a vent fan with sufficient capacity for your bathroom’s size, ideally with a humidity-sensing feature that automatically turns the fan on and off. Proper placement is also essential – the fan should be near the shower or bath area to efficiently extract moist air.

2. Ignoring Water Damage Risks

Water damage can be a silent destroyer in bathroom spaces. When planning your remodel, it’s imperative to consider materials and construction methods that guard against this risk. A common mistake is not waterproofing areas that are susceptible to water exposure. This is where consulting with a professional bathroom remodeling company in Elgin can be invaluable. They understand the local climate’s impact on bathrooms and can recommend appropriate waterproofing techniques and materials, ensuring your remodel stands the test of time and moisture.

3. Choosing the Wrong Materials

Selecting materials for your bathroom isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about functionality and longevity. One common error is choosing materials that are not suited to a bathroom’s high-moisture environment. Porous materials, for instance, may absorb moisture and harbor mold. Instead, opt for non-porous, moisture-resistant options like porcelain tiles for flooring and quartz for countertops. These materials not only resist water damage but also maintain their appearance over time, making them a smart investment for your bathroom.

4. Neglecting Storage Solutions

Storage is a critical element in bathroom design, yet it’s often an afterthought. A cluttered bathroom can detract from its overall appeal and functionality. The key is to incorporate storage solutions that are both practical and aesthetically pleasing. Built-in shelves, vanity cabinets, and recessed medicine cabinets are excellent options. When planning storage, consider the items you need to store and ensure there’s a designated space for everything, from towels to toiletries. Thoughtful storage planning can transform a chaotic bathroom into a serene and organized space.

5. Underestimating Lighting Importance

Lighting plays a pivotal role in setting the right tone and functionality of a bathroom. Many remodels falter by not providing enough light or placing it improperly. A layered lighting approach works best, combining task lighting for the vanity area, ambient lighting for overall illumination, and accent lighting to highlight architectural features. LED lights are a popular choice for their energy efficiency and longevity. Additionally, consider natural light sources; a well-placed window or skylight can dramatically enhance the ambiance and energy of the space. 

6. Forgetting Accessibility and Safety

Designing a bathroom that is both accessible and safe is a vital consideration often missed during remodeling. This aspect becomes increasingly important as households include aging members or those with mobility challenges. Simple yet effective measures like installing grab bars, a walk-in shower, and anti-slip flooring can significantly enhance safety and accessibility. Additionally, consider the height and placement of vanities and toilets to accommodate all users comfortably. By integrating these features, your bathroom becomes a more inclusive and safer space for everyone.

7. Misjudging the Budget

In many bathroom remodeling endeavors, miscalculations in budgeting are a frequent issue. Homeowners frequently initiate the process with an ill-defined budget, only to exceed it due to unforeseen costs or indulgent enhancements. The solution lies in setting a precise and feasible budget from the beginning, incorporating expenses for both materials and labor. It is advisable to create a reserve budget for any unforeseen expenditures, which helps in mitigating financial burdens. Additionally, it is beneficial to conduct thorough research and price comparisons for different materials and services, striking a healthy balance between quality and cost-effectiveness. It’s important to remember that the most costly options aren’t always superior, and more budget-friendly alternatives can often provide comparable quality.

8. Overlooking the Big Picture in Design

A cohesive design is essential for a successful bathroom remodel, yet many projects suffer from a lack of unified vision. This mistake can result in a disjointed and aesthetically unappealing space. To avoid this, start with a clear design plan that outlines your desired style, color scheme, and layout. Ensure all elements of the bathroom, from tiles to fixtures, complement each other and contribute to the overall theme. Consistency in design not only enhances the bathroom’s visual appeal but also adds to the home’s value.

9. Rushing the Remodeling Process

Rushing through a bathroom remodel is a recipe for mistakes. The desire to quickly complete the project can lead to oversight, poor workmanship, and ultimately, dissatisfaction with the end result. It’s important to allocate sufficient time for each stage of the remodeling process, from planning and design to execution. Take time to carefully select materials, finalize designs, and ensure the quality of work. Patience during the remodeling process pays off with a bathroom that meets your expectations in both style and function.

10. Neglecting Future Needs and Trends

A common oversight in bathroom remodeling is not considering future needs and evolving trends. While it’s important to design a space that reflects current preferences, incorporating elements that ensure its relevance and functionality in the future is equally important. This could mean installing fixtures that are energy-efficient or choosing a design that can easily adapt to future modifications. Keeping an eye on emerging trends can also provide inspiration for creating a bathroom that remains stylish and up-to-date.


Bathroom remodeling transforms one of the most intimate spaces in a home. By avoiding these common mistakes, homeowners can create a bathroom that is not only visually stunning but also functional, safe, and adaptable to future needs. It’s about striking a balance between current trends and timeless design, between lavishness and practicality.

Remember, a well-planned and executed bathroom remodel not only adds to the aesthetic appeal of your home but also enhances its overall value. As you take on this project, carry with you the insights and tips shared here, ensuring your bathroom remodel is a resounding success, adding comfort and style to your daily life.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
