5 Ingenious Bathroom Décor Ideas

Last Updated on February 16, 2022 by Kravelv

“When it comes to initiate with the bathroom remodeling project, we’ve to deal with a lot of confusions. And after being amassed up largely, such skimpy perplexities or the lack of knowledge can somewhere badly impact the overall project. So, to prevent you go off track, we are here with our five creative bathroom décor ideas that would help you achieve your dreamy bathroom.”

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Photo: In:Style Direct

  1. First of all, bid adieu to old ‘n’ hazy mirrors

Since mirrors add an elegant look to your bathroom, they should be attractive enough to match the entire décor. Or you can reinstate them with contemporary or vanity options. Depending on the space of wall, bathroom design themes, and your budget, choose the one that suits your creative approach. Since mirrors can either make or break the looks of your bathroom, make sure you are open to spend a bit extra to bring a best piece of mirror.

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  1. Go green with the multitude of plant rows

Just like your home deserves a touch of dazzling greenery, bathroom should also not be untouched with this. To give your bathroom a more natural touch, add some unique plant rows. While adding greenery to your bathroom you have two options to choose from that range from artificial flower pots to the genuine one. However, if you want to bring the real green plants, be open to take care of them with regular watering and nourishment to keep them greener.

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  1. Add a sliding barn door to the entrance of bathroom

In bathroom, the very first thing which captivates the guests is its entrance. Just like any other entry gate, your bathroom must also be equipped with a beautifully vintage style sliding barn door at the entrance.  It won’t just make it inviting to the guests but will also add the beauty to the inner and outer surface.

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  1. Use rustic ladder to hang your towels

To hang your towels and other accessories, rustic ladder would act as the wonderful option. They spare the space but also enhance the entire look of your bathroom. They work wonderfully to give your bathroom a de-cluttered look. Ensure to buy the good quality of ladders to enhance the looks of your bathroom surroundings.

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  1. Paint the entire tub with a beautiful shade

Though bathing tubs could be found in multiple colors but, if you want to continue with the existing one and don’t want to spend money on buying a new one then remodel it with a different color. Remodelling will not only make you save money but also enhance the beauty in a remarkable way. Make sure the color you choose goes perfectly well with the entire walls and other combining accessories.

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So next time when you intend to remodel your bathroom without putting much pressure on your pocket, these are some of the finest ingenious ways that would completely transform your old and dull bathroom into the resplendent and inviting one.

Try them now!


Author Bio:

I am Lynelle Thompson, a professional blogger and likes to writes blogs on Interior Design and Home Improvement related topics.

I also work with In:Style Direct – home furnishing agency in London for over seven years and has extensive knowledge of both the furnishing industry and the rental investment property market.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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