4 Refurbishment Tips For Selling Your Home

Last Updated on March 2, 2022 by Kravelv

When it comes to your home it is difficult to completely revamp your whole home. Property maintenance should be something that you consistently do over the course of owning your property, however it can be difficult to maintain with busy lifestyles and children. We have come up with 4 refurbishment tips when it comes to selling your home!

Minor Details

Minor details are crucial when it comes to your home, as potential buyers will scour your property in order to find anything to haggle with. Make sure little dents, tile breaks and grout holes are all replaced and are looking entirely smooth. This way potential buyers will find themselves appreciating the amount of effort put into the smaller details. It can often put letting and estate agents under pressure because it can be difficult to understand why the minor details haven’t yet been fixed. If you are looking to simply to rejuvenate your home and then rent it out, you need to think of ways you can consistently look after the small details.

Bathroom Fixtures

Potential buyers will most definitely check whether they have functioning and working taps, toilets and showers. These are important and can reduce the overall value of the house and again, buyers will find any excuse in order to reduce prices. Look through your bathroom and identify anything that needs to be functioning and fix then as soon as possible. This can help the value and also help you move your home a lot quicker. It the long run all you need to do is remember is the end goal. If you want to sell your property these little changes need to be made.

bathroom fixtures


The majority of potential buyers will look for properties on the internet, so the presentation of style and presentation of your property should be perfect. Having the sofas perfectly placed will allow potential buyers to see how much space they are able to deal with. It also creates a perfect image for buyers and makes your property look and feel attractive. There isn’t a need to be extravagant and there is no need to simply go overboard with things, however making sure that the presentation of your property is clean and as cheap as possible is essential. Try to reduce costs in terms of presentation as much as possible; it is easy to get carried away thinking that it will add extra value to your property.

Fresh Gardens

They say autumn is the best time to place your home on the market, however, how could anyone argue with viewing a home in the beautiful summer weather? Regardless of when your home is placed on the market, ensuring your garden in fresh is ideal. A home also needs to look good on the outside as well as the inside for people to want to step inside. First impressions are important and little things such as cutting the grass, placing a few plants and a weed less garden will help buyers know the home, or property is well maintained.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
