3 Great Ways To Upgrade The Look of Your Home

Last Updated on June 27, 2022 by Kravelv

Renovating your home is a costly and time-consuming business. It’s not something you start on a whim and, for many people, it’s simply not an option.

But, that doesn’t mean you don’t want your home to look its best. The good news is that there are 3 simple yet effective things you can do to transform the look of your home.

kitchen repainting
Image by Laura Shaw from Pixabay

1. Re-Coat

The simplest way to transform the look of your home is to step outside and look at how tired your home feels. Your outside walls get subject to all the bad weather, wind, rain, and even sunshine. They can all damage the covering and leave your home looking less than pristine.

You can invest in paint and repaint the walls. It’s painstaking but it will help to upgrade the look of your home. If you prefer you can clad your home or pay someone to do it. Your home will certainly look better afterwards and it can even improve your insulation levels, potentially reducing your energy bill.

But, if you really want to upgrade the look, you’ll have a chat with your local coatings specialist, as approved by the NACE inspector. They have a range of coatings that can be used on your home which will upgrade the look, improve the energy efficiency of your property, and will last for years.

All you have to do is talk about what is best for your house and then pay them when they’ve finished. 

2. Add Soft Furnishings

If you move inside your home then you know the layout and the colour schemes. This familiarity can make everything seem jaded and in need of some love. This is true even if the furnishings are finished to the same level as a professional interior designer.

However, it’s easy to fix this. All you have to do is replace the soft furnishings. This starts with changing the curtains, adding rugs, replacing the cushions, and ends with throws and other ornate additions.

 By adding these items to your home you’ll transform and upgrade the look in moments. Best of all, you can do as many or as few rooms as you like and it’s easy to replace the soft furnishings periodically.

3. Revamp Your Yard

Finally, to ensure you completely transform your home, take a moment to look at your yard. In some cases, it will be upgraded simply by tidying the area. In other instances, you may want to rearrange things slightly.

An empty flowerbed is perfect for a packet or two of wildflower seeds. Your seating area can be revitalized with a coat of paint, colourful cushions, or even by adding decking to a specific area.

Make sure it’s easy to move from one area of your yard to the next and that your entertaining area has a good view of all the different areas.

These three changes are surprisingly easy to implement but they will transform and upgrade your home.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
