6 Ways to Organize Bookshelves Conveniently

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

Those of us who are true bibliophiles, the only problem we face in life, get access to our books quickly. Usually, our bookshelves are filled with books that we haphazardly bought over the years. But what if we told you there are easy ways through which you will be able to get a neat and well-maintained bookshelf? If you are a book lover who cannot get enough books but do not know how to organize your bookshelves efficiently, this blog will be pretty handy.

Top efficient ways to organize your bookshelves impeccably

There are some easy ways through which you will be able to get well-organized bookshelves. The critical and easy ways are provided in the following section of this blog. WallMountedReviews.com shared a listicle article on best wall mounted bookshelves, you can check it out for more information.

1.  Alphabetically

In case you have a large number of books, but you do not get to read most of them due to your disheveled bookshelves, then arranging your books alphabetically is an excellent option for you. By arranging your books alphabetically, you will know the exact place in the bookshelves to look at. You will not have to search for your books frantically. Not only can you arrange the books by the alphabetical orders of the book’s titles, but you can also arrange them according to the author’s name.

2.  According to the genres

We all have books from different niches. That is why you will be able to find your required books more quickly if you arrange them according to their genres. For example, you can keep all of your thriller books on the top shelf of your bookshelves, and you can keep the romance books in the bottom section. In this way, you will know exactly where your books are at any given time. But if you only read books to a particular genre, this method will not work for you. In case you are versatile enough to buy books from every niche, this mode will work for you pretty well.

3.  Chronologically

If you are a lover of history or old books, arranging your books chronologically will help you. For example, you can keep the books on 17th century UK in a section of your bookshelves, and you can keep the books on 18th century India in another part. This method does not apply to people who are not a fan of historical books.

4.  According to the material of the book

We all have books in hardback and paper covers. But sometimes we prefer to not read the hardback cover books due to their inefficiencies. That is why by segregating the books into hardback and paperbacks in your bookshelves, you will be able to access your favorite book quickly. Even though you might end up getting more books in the paperback section, but it is a change and the first step towards an organization.

5.  Books to be read

You can keep a section of your bookshelves only for the books you will read in the future. By doing that, you will get to access your newly bought books quite quickly. You can keep the already read books in another part of your bookshelves so that they do not get mixed up. Try to keep a section of your bookshelves empty so that you can keep newly bought books over there to make everything easy.

6.  Horizontally

Usually, we organize bookshelves by placing the books vertically, but if you have a lot of books in your home, you can arrange them horizontally as well. By doing this, you will be able to use every corner of your bookshelves. But remember to not stack your bookshelves with your books up to the top of each section. If you do that, you will not be able to retrieve the books quickly.

The methods mentioned in this blog are quite useful. If you struggle with your bookshelves’ organization, by following the methods mentioned above, you will be able to get neat bookshelves.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
