The Calm After the Storm: Why Get a Roof Check

Last Updated on February 25, 2022 by Kravelv

Your roof is your home’s primary shield against the elements, the first to face the wrath of a storm when one hits your area. It’s only natural to want to believe that your roof will be able to withstand any weather but keep in mind that storms are relentless. To make sure that your roof is fine, it is simply more prudent to get it checked after a storm. Damage can build up over time, causing bigger problems, but you can prevent that with a roof inspection.

What to Look For

Roofs can accumulate different kinds of damage but some of the most common involve:

  • Tree Branches. Strong winds can break nearby tree branches and send them crashing onto your roof, damaging roofing material. And even when your roof didn’t sustain damage upon impact, it must still be cleared of branches because pile-ups can still threaten it due to the added heft (that can strain structural supports) and possible water pooling (that can lead to moisture damage) as roofing material is kept from completely drying out.

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  • Hail Damage. Even the smallest of hail can cause damage to a roof, leading to dimples, dents, and cracks that can be starting points for bigger problems. When severe enough, hail storms can speed up deterioration in roofs, most especially those that have not been properly maintained.
  • Loose Shingles. Shingles have sealing strips in between them that serve as roof protection. However, strong winds brought about by storms can lift shingles and loosen these strips, weakening not just the roofing material’s grip on your roof but offering gaps as well that water can penetrate.

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But Don’t Go Up Your Roof!

Yes, it cannot be reiterated enough how important a roof inspection is after a storm. However, that doesn’t mean that you should be going up yours as soon as the rains stop. Going up on roofs is dangerous and so must be left to the professionals who not only know how to properly do it but also have the necessary equipment to do it safely. How are you supposed to inspect your roof then? You can do a preliminary check from the ground. Based on what you observe (arm yourself with a pair of binoculars for a clearer view!), you can then assess whether or not it’s time to call in a roofing contractor to take a closer look.

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Get the Right Kind of Help

It’s quite convenient to need a roof inspection after a storm and then have someone magically appears at your door offering to do it for you. Is it fate? No, you’re actually likely looking at a storm chaser, a “roofing expert” that tricks homeowners into giving them their business and then not fulfilling their end of the bargain. The best way to avoid a storm chaser is to first assess any contractor you’re interested in completely, ensuring that they at least have a local address and a working phone number. You can also check the Better Business Bureau for ratings to see how well a contractor is performing. You’re talking about your roof, after all, so it’s important to be meticulous about your choice.


Author Bio:

Aaron Kerrigan founded Kerrigan Roofing & Restoration LLC in 2008 during his education in Ohio State University. He developed a taste for the business when he worked as an independent consultant for two local roofing companies.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
