Last Updated on March 21, 2022 by Kravelv
Locks are important for keeping your privacy and security intact. Be it your car, office, home, safety vault or any other property you have, locks are the primary barrier between the unwanted intruders and your property. This is the reason why your locks must be intact, examined periodically, kept updated and if required, replaced by an expert locksmith. No one takes security and privacy issues lightly. Since over time, old locks worn out, rusty, and more easily accessible to intruders. Therefore, you must acknowledge that you need professional lock servicing from time to time.
How to know it is time to replace your locks by a professional locksmith?

Only locksmiths know how to replace old locks with most updated contemporary ones and add to the security of your property. As it is evident that locks require professional re-keying periodically, it is wise to know when to call the locksmiths for the replacement purposes. Here are a few scenarios elaborated below where replacing old locks become quite obligatory and require immediate action:
- If the same locks have been there for many years: If you think your property is safe with old weary locks, think again. Old locks are easy to break and they can wear out on their own, as well. It is always feasible to change the locks, as they grow old.
- You experienced a recent break in: If there has been a case of recent unwanted intrusion in your property, it is high time that you get your locks replaced by a locksmith. There is no point in keeping the locks same and inviting the intruders straight into your property. It is like inviting danger inside your home. Whenever you experience a break-in change your old locks immediately.
- Lost your keys or stolen: There are times, when you might misplace or lost your keys or maybe when your wallet or purse was stolen your keys were stolen, as well. This simply means that now your keys are with someone else and they can unlock your property. In such cases, replacing the existing locks by locksmith is the only option.
- You just moved in: It is a great feeling to move into a new apartment. You usually get a new set of keys for all the locks. However, you have to consider that old homeowners may still have access to your property, as they may still have spare keys with them. Hence, it is advisable to get the entire locking system changed once and for all.
- Your keys are caught up in the locks frequently: If your keys get jammed in the keyhole frequently then, it is an indication that your locks are rusting or wearing out. You can be stuck outside any day. In such cases, call a locksmith and get your locks replaced.
- Separated from the co-owner of the property: You may face a separation from the co-owner of the property. It may be your spouse, your girlfriend/ boyfriend or your business partner. Once the legal affairs are settled and dispute with the properties end, it is better to change all locks, as your co-owners may still have the keys of old locks with them.
In any of the above-mentioned cases, replacing your existing locks by professional locksmith becomes necessary and it is one of the wisest and advised decisions to undertake. In order to keep yourself, your family, and your valuable property safe and secured. If you are able to take the decision on the right time, you can keep a lot of unwelcoming incidents at a bay.