Rainwater Harvesting Tank Safety and Maintenance – What You Should Know!

Last Updated on March 18, 2022 by Kravelv

Having a rainwater harvesting tank today is both a noble idea and a money-saving hack. Many homeowners spend on them, knowing well how beneficial these tanks are. For most of them, the tanks’ guaranteed value for money is pegged on their abilities to serve their purpose for years, especially when kept clean and well-maintained.

Yet, many of them don’t perform underground water tank maintenance as often as it’s required. A section of Aussie homeowners neither hire professional rainwater harvesting tank cleanliness and safety experts nor do it themselves. And they naively damage the usefulness of their tanks.

Underground water tank maintenance

Regular maintenance of rainwater harvesting tanks can never be a waste of money. Rainwater harvesting tanks are mostly designed to last for years, and they only demand regular cleaning to keep them functioning.

Well-maintained tanks tend to last longer as maintenance enhances their usefulness and longevity while averting any potential dangers these tanks could pose. It is also a measure that could greatly help keep the rainwater collected safe, clean, and fresh.

Keeps the stored water clean and safe

The need to keep them clean is far much, more than just their longevity. If dirt, debris, and minute sediment manage to get into the tank, the water automatically gets dirty, smelly, and unfit for human use anymore.

Worse, the sludge that accumulates at the bottom of the underground water tanks could also damage them. In the end, the water becomes useless as the tank disintegrates slowly until it collapses altogether.

Aussie federal and state governments always insist on the need to keep underground water tanks clean and safe. The recommended 2-3 year inspections can’t be enough to keep such a useful investment safe and well-maintained for years. It only takes a few hours of thorough cleaning to ensure that the tanks are fresh and odour-free.

How best can you clean the inside of your Underground Tank?

First, it is important to clean the underground water tank when it’s dry. That means you can wait until all the water inside is used up or simply pump it out and get inside. Preferably, it should be free from any moisture.

DIY Underground Tank Cleaning

You can clean your tank alone or hire a professional water tank cleaner. If the tank isn’t large and its opening can comfortably allow you to get in, just a couple of hours inside could get the interior of your rainwater tank clean.

How to clean it at home:

  • Step #1: Start by cleaning the roof, pipes, and gutters – check if any rot or mould is growing under the roof and get rid of them. You could use anything to scrub them away and use clean water to restore its original look.
  • Step #2: scrub the walls and remove all the dirt, including the dirty watermarks. It is the same procedure, although you may need a brush and a detergent to ensure an even thorough clean.
  • Step #3: with the tank drained of all the dirty water, vacuum the muddy debris out using a hose and pump. Use the same to drain away all the leaves, droppings, dead insects, and the like before pouring clean water to rinse away the dirt.

Disinfect it using appropriate chemicals

One other procedure that enhances the safety and overall maintenance of an underground water tank is treating the water stored. Chlorination and direct sunlight are the most widely recommended measures, and Chlorine tablets are easy to find.

It is always recommended to hire professionals who have the skills and expertise in cleaning rainwater harvesting tanks. They usually have the experience needed and the vacuuming equipment necessary to ensure thorough clean and underground water tank maintenance.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
