A Brief Guide To The Most Expensive Home Improvements

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

When it comes to remodelling and improving your home, there are some jobs that you can get away with doing on the cheap, whilst others will set you back a small fortune. The latter is especially true if you want the job done right, by a qualified professional, and to a high-quality finish.

expensive home improvements

So for anyone that wants to make some improvements to their home but are on a tight budget then they may want to avoid having any of the following work done. This is because they are some of the most expensive things that you can do in a property and should not be done on the cheap.

Having a new roof installed

Although with a roof there is always the cheaper option of simply patching over the problem area, this is not always an option, as there may be significant structural damage. Where this is the case, then a whole new roof will need to be installed. This is a job that can really set you back a large sum of money, with the average installation cost just over $7,000. Of course this can vary depending on the size of the roof. If you live in the Frisco area of Texas and need repairs made to your roof, then get in contact with Rowley Roofing & Construction.

Having the kitchen remodeled

Although remodelling your kitchen has the potential to add serious value to your property, it also requires you to pay out a large amount of money up front – anywhere between $10,000 and $30,000, depending on the size of the kitchen and what appliances are installed. A good tip when it comes to remodelling a kitchen and to ensure that you do not spend too much money when doing it up is to spend around 5 percent and 15 percent of the overall value of your property on the kitchen.

Building a decking area

For those people who reside in the warmer parts of the country, having a large decking area around the home is something that is seen by many as a necessity rather than a luxury. By building a deck, it can greatly improve the overall price of your house, as well as increasing the amount of living space that you have. On average, the cost of this home improvement ranges from anywhere from $2,000 to $7,000, depending on the size and the materials used in the build.

Having the bathroom remodelled

When it comes to remodelling your bathroom, it can be as cheap or as expensive as you like. That being said, the average cost of a full remodel is around the $9,500 mark, so even if you do not go all out, it can still be an expensive home improvement. However, you may not want to hold back when remodelling your bathroom given the fact that it can provide a great return on your investment.

It will always pay to get a professional in to do any of these rather than attempting to tackle them yourself, given that they are large jobs to important parts of the home.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
