Low-Cost Kitchen Makeover Ideas You Must Try This Summer

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

When it comes to refreshing your living space with a makeover, your kitchen is often number one on the list. More often than not, you will feel that it needs a new look and feel, probably because you spend a lot of time here. Additionally, it is more susceptible to losing its shine due to the heat, smoke, and fumes. But a kitchen makeover seems like an expensive project, and you are likely to postpone it as much as possible. You will be surprised to know that you can do it on a budget, so you need not procrastinate anymore. Here are some low-cost kitchen makeover ideas you must try this summer.

low cost kitchen remodeling ideas

Create an accent wall

If you think accent walls are only for the living room, try to create one in the kitchen this season. An accent wall can elevate the aesthetics effortlessly by bringing an element of interest. The best part is that it wouldn’t cost you much. Choose the wall you want to highlight and paint it in a different shade. Alternatively, you may opt for a textured finish. Wallpaper makes a great idea, but ensure that you choose a heat- and steam-resistant option.

Swap the old hardware

Swapping the old hardware with shiny new fittings is perhaps the easiest idea, and it does not pinch your wallet. New faucets, pulls, knobs, and other metal hardware will not cost a lot. You need not spend a fortune on installation because a seasoned contractor will complete the job sooner than you expect.  Look around and pick options that perfectly match your décor vision after the makeover.

Refresh the cabinets inside out

Refreshing the kitchen cabinets can do wonders for your space, but you can do it with a small expense. Painting them in the latest color can bring fresh vibes to the entire area. Invest in professional services for kitchen cabinet painting instead of DIY if you want excellent and lasting effects. Professionals use the right material for a sustainable finish, and they may have some good recommendations for color choice. Also, make sure you declutter and organize them for an inside-out fresh feel.

Install new lighting accessories

While you must prioritize natural light for your cooking space, installing new lighting accessories can pep up its evening looks. Install task lights because they double up with better functionality. For example, you can pick spotlights and over-the-worktop hanging lights. Overhead lighting brings a cozy ambiance to the kitchen. When you upgrade, opt for energy-saving LED variants because they can cut down your power bills in the long run.

Create an indoor herb garden

If you love green spaces, you can create a tiny indoor herb garden right inside your kitchen. Fix some floating shelves on a wall and place small cups with herbs to create a heavenly little green corner in your cooking space. Choose your favorite herbs and you can use them to add flavor to your cooking. Make sure that the area you choose for the garden gets ample sunlight.

A summer makeover for your kitchen need not burn a hole in your wallet, so you can go ahead without thinking twice. Just try these ideas and have an all-new cooking space of your dreams.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
