3 Home Improvement Ideas to Boost the Curb Appeal of Your Property

Entrance to a house with concrete pavement

Last Updated on April 23, 2024 by Kravelv

In the last decade, the phrase “curb appeal” has entered the common language. For those who are not familiar with the term, it refers to the first impressions that visitors and potential buyers get when they drive up to your property. In the case of potential buyers, curb appeal can form a lasting impression, shaping their views and opinions about the home and potentially being the first step that convinces them to make an offer. If your home has poor curb appeal, it will likely deter would-be buyers and they may not even look inside your home if the exterior is in a state of significant disrepair. Whether you are planning to sell your home soon or simply want to boost the appeal of the exterior areas of your home, this article will be of benefit. Three unique areas are discussed that will help you to dramatically boost the curb appeal of your property.


1.    Get your driveway repaired

The driveway that leads up to your property can speak volumes to potential buyers. Cracked driveways that have weeds and moss growing through them look incredibly unappealing and give the whole property an air of being in disrepair. If you have a concrete driveway that needs to be repaired and you live in the American state of Missouri, search online for concrete repair Kansas City. You will then find a range of professional firms that can undertake maintenance, repair or undertake full replacement works on your driveway. A professionally laid driveway can add value to your home and may dramatically improve the curb appeal of your property if the old driveway is in a state of disrepair. Estimates vary, but a professional installation can help to boost your overall home value by between 5% and 10%.


2.    Landscape your garden

With the warmer summer months steadily approaching, there is an excellent opportunity to boost the curb appeal of your garden. Firstly, you will want to ensure that your lawns are in exceptional condition, free of weeds, and a lush green color. You can achieve this by purchasing an all-in-one lawn feed that includes chemicals that kill moss and weeds. Next, take a critical look around your garden. Consider adding a varied mix of perennial plants that will provide bursts of color all year round. In addition, think about adding a garden path if you do not already have one. This can help to keep your lawn in exceptional condition and provides an interesting visual element to the garden. Opt for a path design that does not simply go from point A to point B in your garden. More elaborate designs can add significant appeal to your garden and can serve to highlight key areas in the outdoor spaces.


3.    Complete small DIY jobs on your property exterior

As a brief final point, it is important to take a critical look at the exterior of your home. Look for evidence of cracked roof tiles, faded or damaged paintwork, and the condition of your gutters. These flaws may not be easy to identify, but sharp-eyed prospective buyers may notice them and form a negative impression of the condition of the rest of your house. Simple DIY repair work can be undertaken by yourself if you have a basic level of skill in this field. However, if you are not confident undertaking this work, search for a reputable local handyperson who can complete the jobs for a fair price and to a high standard.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
