How to Detect Carbon Monoxide in Home

Last Updated on March 28, 2023 by Kravelv

Keeping your home safe is the number one priority for homeowners. Many take the steps to install a home security system, outdoor lighting, and the proper locks to prevent some of the most common safety threats.

But one of the most dangerous risks to your home’s safety is the one you cannot see. Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning occurs at a high rate and causes many emergency hospital visits. In some cases, exposure to carbon monoxide can be fatal.

The following will teach you everything you need to know about this common threat and how to detect carbon monoxide in your home.

What is Carbon Monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, which makes it especially dangerous for a home’s occupants. Its unique properties prevent you and your family from detecting its presence.

Carbon monoxide leads to tens of thousands of emergency room visits each year and kills hundreds of others. Common symptoms of CO poisoning include nausea, chest pain, headache, and weakness.

But these symptoms also make it difficult to diagnose, as they also appear with other illnesses. Also, when exposure occurs during sleep, an individual can die before the appearance of any of these symptoms.

People who have pre-existing health issues, as well as children and the elderly, are even more susceptible to the harm caused by exposure to carbon monoxide.

Taking a Proactive Approach

The first step to preventing unwanted exposure to CO is to take proactive steps in making your home safer.

A common sign of CO entering the home is the accumulation of air moisture. If any surfaces build up high levels of condensation, you may need to investigate if CO is being dispersed in the home.

Home appliances need to be properly installed as outlined in the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Your home’s heating system should be checked and maintained on a regular basis. Various carbon monoxide protection system companies in Toronto provide a wide range of products to choose from..

Loose or damaged connections can cause CO to enter your home. Other equipment such as generators or power tools that rely on gasoline should be used in open spaces. Enclosed areas such as the garage or house allow CO to become trapped and build up over time.

Using a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Homeowners who use gas- or wood-burning stoves, along with other sources of CO, should install a carbon monoxide detector. Some parts of the world even require them to be installed in homes.

Using a high-quality carbon monoxide detector protects your home from high levels of CO exposure while providing you and your family with long-term safety. They are available in a wide range of models and should be installed in various locations of your home.

Avoid obstructing the CO detector with furniture and other home accessories. They should be placed in hallways and near sleeping areas for the best protection. If your detector is triggered, you should leave the house as quickly as possible and call an emergency department to investigate it.

There are many ways to detect carbon monoxide in the home. Ensuring that home appliances are correctly installed and used properly reduces the risk of CO inside your home. Installing carbon monoxide detectors adds another layer of protection that will provide you with the warning you need to protect you and your family.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
