How Solar Panels Can Effectively Reduce Your Electricity Bill To Zero

Last Updated on March 17, 2022 by Kravelv

Solar panels are becoming an exceptionally popular choice for many homeowners. In effect the process is simple, you add solar panels to your roof and benefit from free electricity.

Of course, in reality, it’s not that simple.

The Solar Set Up

Creating a solar power system at home requires more than just solar panels. The panels need to be wired together and there are several different options available. They also need to carry the power to a transformer to ensure the electricity is usable by your appliances.

In addition, you need to consider how off-grid you wish to go. If you’re hoping to disconnect from the power supply you’re going to need batteries to store the electricity. Smart chargers will also be required to ensure the batteries are charged and power is available when you need it.

To create the system, you need to calculate your energy usage and how many panels you will need to duplicate this usage. You will then be able to disconnect from the electricity supply.

Of course, if there is insufficient sun, not enough solar panels, or damage, you won’t have electricity. It will be a good idea to have the contact number of a specialist in solar panel repairs.

In effect, your electricity bill will have been reduced to zero. However, it’s important to be aware of the cost of setting up your solar power system.  Even with the grants that are currently available, solar power systems can cost thousands of dollars. Your system needs to save you the cost of installation before you can truly say your electricity is free.

Unfortunately, due to the cost of installing, this can take five-ten years, you need to be committed to staying in the property for this period.


Going completely off-grid means your electricity bill can be reduced to zero. Even when you’re paying off the cost of installation this feels pretty good. However, if the system fails for any reason you have no power.

That’s why most people choose to stay connected to the grid. Instead of exclusively using the electricity you generate, the electricity is sold to the electric company. You continue to use electricity from the grid in the normal fashion. This ensures you have a reliable and consistent supply.

The money you make from selling electricity to the grid is offset against your electricity charges. Of course, you’ll still need to pay the monthly standing charge.

The question then is whether the amount of electricity you sell to the grid is higher than the amount you’re using. If your system generates enough electricity your bill can be reduced to zero. But, if it doesn’t, your bill will simply be dramatically reduced.


It may not be zero but you’ll be saving money and helping the environment. That’s still a good incentive to adopt a solar power system.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
