Great Ways to Control Moisture in Your Home

Last Updated on November 4, 2021 by Kravelv

Moisture control is a significant issue in many homes, and it’s the source of unpleasant mold and stench. This happens most commonly in tropical regions and places that receive a large amount of rainfall. Hot and humid areas encourage mold to grow faster.

Moisture control should be a priority for many people as it is becoming a rising and common issue. Yet they ignore the obvious signs and wait for things to get worse with time. Be the smarter person and prevent moisture from accumulating.

Don’t worry; we’re going to tell you a few ways how you can handle the issue.

Ways to control moisture in your home

  1. Repair water-damaged areas

Do you have a water-damaged area in your house? If the answer is yes, you need to get it repaired and cleaned at the earliest. Mold growth does not take much time, and cleaning affected areas in 24-48 hours usually do the trick.

  1. Switch it off!

Turn off appliances like humidifiers or heaters if you notice moisture retention of surfaces, for example, windows.

  1. Keep it cool

Usage of dehumidifiers, coolers or air-conditioners in hot areas help in keeping the moisture level controlled in the air. Cleaning them on a timely basis is essential.

  1. Fix those leaks

If you have a leak or seepage issue in your home, it needs immediate attention. Any water stagnation, whether it is due to inflow or outflow of water, can lead to the growth of biological pollutants.

  1. Clean the carpets

The carpets on your concrete floors need attention too. Carpets absorb a lot of water and moisture; as a result, they are home to biological pollutants and bacterial growth. Carpets need to be kept clean and dry at all times. Using vapor barriers on top of the floors helps in this case, and prevents water seepage into the carpet.

  1. Tend to the crawlspace

Crawl spaces need to be kept dry and moisture-free, hence, make sure to cover it with plastic to avoid moisture seepage into the ground.

  1. Use exhaust fans

Exhaust fans in kitchen and bathroom help in expelling moisture outside the home, since these spaces are very prone to being moist and ideal for mold growth.

  1. Use windows

Insulation or storm windows could be used in surfaces which tend to become cold and prone to moisture condensation.

  1. Keep doors open

Keeping doors open in between rooms helps in proper ventilation and prevents the atmosphere from being damp and moist.

  1. Keep it ventilated

Make sure that there is plenty of ventilation and room in your house to make way for fresh air, whenever possible. This keeps the environment clean and molds free.

Final words

Moisture control is a part of your daily life and well-being and taking good care of it ensures a healthy lifestyle. As mentioned before, you could follow the above steps yourself, but with a company like, life is just easier.

They are a professional organization and provides top-notch services related to moisture control and damage repair. Invest in better living and see a change for yourself.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
