The Difference Between Framed and Frameless Shower Doors

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

Unarguably, the shower is an integral part of any home interior. It is not just a necessity but a style statement revealing a lot about your being selective about the right interior type. Most homeowners pay attention to the look and feel of the shower doors in the exceptional interior sense, reflecting adding value to the property.

framed vs frameless shower door

Now that it has been seen as an eminent part of the home interior and necessities, many homeowners prefer to have a customized shower door rather than going for the ordinary designs available in the market. When you decide to settle for customized shower doors, you may pay detailed attention to the style and types of doors available in the marketplace.

Shower doors – Reflecting your true personality and interior designing taste.

Earlier shower areas used to be covered with curtains, but now things have changed considerably. When talking about the present-age shower doors, we can’t get enough of the different options available in the market. So far, the market has two major options to display, including – frameless and framed shower glasses. Both of these types contain their own pros and cons.

Here is the deeper insight into both these types:

Frameless glasses

As the term suggests, the frameless glasses do not come with the outlined frame, strengthening the door’s reliability. These are thin and come in crisp, straightforward design adding more to the overall appearance of the bathroom and shower area specifically.

Framed glasses

Framed glasses can be referred to as ordinary glasses secured with a rigid frame or outline made up of rubber usually. This works as an additional layer of protection to the glass frame, making it less hassle-free for you to clean it thoroughly. It comes in different designs and printed patterns to add more to the overall appearance.

Material difference

Both the frame types are made up of tempered glass, which is easier to clean and treat than the other ordinary glasses available in the market. The Glass Shower Doors made with tempered glass are thin and textured, which makes them look ultra-classy. Usually, the framed doors are narrow compared to the frameless doors, which come with a thicker pane for ultra-protection.

The style factor

Both frameless and framed shower doors come in multiple style options. Both the door types have bronzed, frosted, patterned, infused, engraved, and etched designs available. The only difference is the reliability and functionalities. The framed shower doors are much limited in their style and appearance as compared to the frameless ones. Furthermore, it depends on the particular design you have chosen. For instance – the sliding doors work less successfully than the French doors with hinges installed outward.

Summing up

The style and overall appearance of the shower doors differ in many ways. The kind of quality you expect depends on the type of shower door you are settling for. Although the market is flooded with different framed and unframed showers, make sure you evaluate your unique requirements and then go for the preferred type.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
