Know about the A/C maintenance tasks you can do yourself!

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

Are you thinking of doing A/C maintenance on your own? Well, it is a good decision only to a certain extent. Professional A/C maintenance plays an important part as it enhances your system’s lifespan and reduces monthly energy expenses. The heating and air conditioning system is a complex and expensive unit. It is important to know about the entire unit before starting to perform the maintenance tasks. Luckily, certain maintenance requirements can be performed by homeowners to make sure efficient operation as well as guard the entire system’s life.

What are the DIY A/C maintenance tasks?

If you do not have sufficient time to perform A/C maintenance the Colony, TX, you have to get help from the experts. Some of the simple A/C maintenance tasks that can be performed by homeowners are as follows:

Cleaning registers and vents:

Wiping down the parts of registers and vents, vacuuming slats by using the brush and removing debris and dust, makes sure of efficient airflow. Also, these steps help in maintaining clean air in your house.

Constant air filter changes:

It is best to replace the air filter once in thirty to ninety days. If you have pets or children in your house or there are areas under construction, you need a frequent filter change. While changing the filter, ensure to switch off the unit, remove the old filter and add a new one and then turn the unit on. If you wish to keep your AC free from debris and dust and enhance indoor air quality, you can schedule by searching for AC services near me. The experts will help you in upgrading to a better and highly efficient air cleaner.

Eliminating debris and weeds around the outdoor part:

When weed and grass overgrowth and foreign and trash objects pile around the outdoor unit, it has the chances to affect your entire unit’s performance, resulting in poor functioning of the system. It is necessary to maintain a minimum of 2-foot free space around the unit to help in proper airflow and eliminate fire hazards.

Look out for strange noises:

If you are noticing strange noises in the outdoors or indoors, it means your air conditioner is experiencing electrical problems, loose hardware, or trapped hardware that can cause system drainage. Are you noticing anything new or unusual? Contact the local HVAC contractor immediately and do not postpone to schedule an appointment. When you take immediate action, you can easily prevent expensive and extensive repairs.

What are the AC maintenance tasks that require a professional?

Some of the dangerous tasks as part of A/C maintenance the Colony, TX are as follows. These issues have to be resolved with the help of a professional like Action Plus HVAC Company. If not, the issues would directly affect your system’s lifespan.

1. Anything involving refrigerants:

AC refrigerants are dangerous to the environment and health. There are chances for it to be explosive.

2. Project needing specialty tools:

Most homeowners do not have appropriate AC tools like refrigeration system analyzer, leak detector or a multimeter. Though you own it, you need to know how to use it appropriately. Therefore, it is recommended to give the maintenance tasks that involves tools to the pros.

3. Anything involving electrical:

If the air conditioner is functioning between 220 and 240 Volts or high voltage or needs a devoted circuit to function, you should get an expert’s guidance. The voltage amount has chances to kill or injure someone who does not have any electrical experience.

Ensure to keep the air conditioner functioning at peak level and maintain the warranty by contacting Action Plus HVAC contractors. Some people have the habit of ignoring the system’s sounds and thus, it results in minor problems turning into chief repairs. In most cases, minor maintenance or simple tune-up will prevent spiralling of the repair costs and resolve the existing issues. So, do not ignore if you hear strange AC sounds such as screaming, squealing, rattling, clanking, banging, humming, buzzing or clicking, call an expert. These sounds indicate the replacement or repair of your AC.

The latest AC units are highly quiet with sound dampening technology. It comes with variable speed compressors, where it keeps sound levels low. The unit should emit unnoticeable noises during operation.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
