What Are Hydrogen-ready Boilers

Last Updated on May 27, 2022 by Kravelv

The transition to hydrogen gasses is still in progress. Therefore, it is difficult to know when and exactly what dates 100% hydrogen boilers or hydrogen gas will be made available.

It is evident, however, that this will be a gradual transition that will take place over many years.


Good news: Boiler manufacturers have begun to develop prototypes for hydrogen-ready boilers. They have also made it clear that they intend to price them at the same rate as gas boilers.

This is how hydrogen will transition in the next decade.

New generation of hydrogen-ready boilers

New hydrogen-ready boilers from boiler manufacturers will be available that can accept a variety of gasses, including hydrogen. These boilers will also be capable of being modified to accept 100% hydrogen. These will be available starting in 2025.

The Worcester Bosch and Viessmann are currently developing hydrogen boilers and hydrogen-ready boilers. They can use natural gas or hydrogen as their fuel source.

The appearance of hydrogen boilers is almost identical to that of the gas boilers and they are also installed in the exact same manner. They would be connected to gas mains so that hydrogen or natural gas can be fed to them.

These internal components would also be very similar to the gas boilers. There are minor differences, such as the burner and hydrogen-ready flame detector.

Gas Safe Engineers may receive new training on hydrogen gas and installing hydrogen boilers, if and when the gas network switches to hydrogen.

It is currently possible to buy a hydrogen-ready boiler.

Viessmann and Worcester Bosch have been developing hydrogen prototypes for many years and have made significant progress. Both companies have tested them in “test areas” throughout the UK.

To coincide with the gas boiler ban on new properties, hydrogen-ready boilers are likely to be introduced in the next few years.

Why choose hydrogen-ready boilers?

Emissions contain zero carbon

All fossil fuels, including oil, coal and gas, emit carbon dioxide when they are burned. Global warming is caused by this. Hydrogen, on the other side, produces only water and no carbon dioxide.

You can use existing gas infrastructure

Hydrogen has one major advantage: it requires no fuel supply changes, making it much simpler and faster to roll out across the country. This eliminates the need for households to change their heating system, which can be costly and time-consuming.

Hydrogen is more efficient that Gas

You can heat your home just as efficiently with 1kg hydrogen than you would with 2.8kg gas.

Hydrogen boilers have their disadvantages

There are concerns regarding the feasibility of hydrogen heating. However, this is being investigated by the EAC as well as the CCC.

Producing hydrogen is expensive

Centrica, an energy company, believes hydrogen is a part of the mix. However, Centrica believes the technology is at most 10 years away from being able to produce it cleanly and that the costs are unknown.

There are currently two main methods for hydrogen production: electrolysis and Steam Methane Reforming.

With the help of a high voltage current, electrolysis is a method that splits water molecules into two distinct hydrogen molecules. This is the most environmentally-friendly way to produce hydrogen.

Steam Methane Reforming is the second most popular method. This is the process of reacting steam and methane. This is the carbon by-product. It is not all bad, but the carbon that is produced can be captured before being released into the atmosphere.

Both hydrogen production methods are currently too expensive to be viable on a mass market. Megatons of hydrogen will need to be produced in order for nationwide supply.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
