Easy ways to add value to your home

Last Updated on May 24, 2022 by Kravelv

For the majority of people, the purchase of a home is the single greatest investment they’ll make in their lifetimes, but there are many ways you could increase the initial value of your house without breaking the bank.

While sticking with the status quo in terms of the design and function of your home might often seem like the easiest route, most people would like to think that their investment could increase over time.

spacious home backyard

If you’re looking for relatively simple ways to make your home worth more, below are some tips.

Add air conditioning

Depending on where you live, the addition of Air Conditioning is one of the simplest and easiest ways to add value to your home while also improving your quality of life as you stay there in the interim.

Aircon is no longer the high-cost luxury it may have used to be, but it will still add an extra tick mark on your home description when you come to sell and will help you command an increased selling price. Perhaps more importantly, it’ll also make your time spent in your home more pleasant.

Change your windows and upgrade to double-glazing

Many older homes feature poor-quality windows that don’t just look tired but can also result in significantly higher heating bills through the colder winter months. New windows can completely revitalize an otherwise shabby-looking building and also improve your home’s overall energy efficiency.

Upgrade your bathroom and kitchen

Speak to any property expert and ask them what helps sell a home and you’ll almost always get the same answer across the board – the bathrooms and kitchen. Whether you’re just looking to create a little more luxury in your current family bathroom or perhaps would like to add a little further value with the addition of an ensuite, new bathrooms are always a surefire way to add to your home’s potential selling price.

Likewise, changing your kitchen will definitely add extra value. After all, it can surely be of little coincidence that most people consider the kitchen to be the beating heart of a house. Today the kitchen is much more than just a place to prepare food and eat. Investing in modern utensils and kitchen hardware can completely transform the way your family lives.

Kitchen refurbs can be as simple as updating appliances and surfaces/doors or could involve a complete rebuild. However, one thing is for sure: spending money on this essential room in your house will increase its value.

Buy a new front door

It may sound like the simplest upgrade on earth, but a new front door could completely change the impression your house projects plus give added security. Modern door entry systems and video monitoring will also be seen as an added bonus by many prospective home buyers.

Landscape your garden

Along with the structure of your home, your garden is one of the first things visitors and people walking past your house will notice. Creating a welcoming and aesthetically pleasing garden is a very simple way to increase your home’s curb appeal while also adding substantially to its value.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
