How to Recover After a Storm

Last Updated on November 25, 2021 by Kravelv

Water damage can often be easily preventable, but when it gets you, it can really get you. And if it is down to a natural disaster such as a storm, you don’t always see it coming!

Do not worry, though; this does not mean it is impossible to recover and repair your building or your belongings.

storm damage sign

If you have faced your own water disaster from a storm, then read these top tips to keep things under control.

Assess the Damage

You might be standing staring bewildered at the puddles on your floor or the streaks in the wall and floor and wonder what on earth your next step is. Well, take a deep breath, and assess the damage. How much water is there? What has been in contact with the water? What type of water has invaded the property? All of these considerations will be relative to the next course of action.

Remember to work quickly because you have a limited window to when mold starts to set in, or the damage becomes irreversible.

In particular, the type of water will also determine if you are able to save what has been in contact with it too.

Clean water might matter less than others, as you will be able to clear it up instantly without any professional help if you are able to.

Greying water can also be handled by yourself as long as you are careful about it, as there may be some contaminants.

Toxic water can be much more of an issue, and you will want to hire professionals to make sure safety comes first – and in many cases, be prepared to say goodbye to anything the water has touched.

It is also worth noting that those who have been affected by Lake Mary can access emergency services. The best Emergency Restoration Services of Lake Mary can be find here.

 Get the Affected Area Dried Out

The first port of call after identifying what type of water you are working with is to get it out of the property. This also goes for the items that have been affected too.

You want to be getting this area as dry as possible, as fast as possible, to mitigate any further damage.

If your items are porous and have been in serious contact with water, unless they are of sentimental value to you or you would like to pay a professional to see if they can be saved, it’s best if they are thrown out.

You might also find that parts of drywalls or cement need to be cut out. There are a few ways you can do this. Hiring a professional will more than likely be the easiest as they will already have the equipment that is needed to do this process quickly and efficiently. 

Disinfect What You Keep

In the western world, we have become well acquainted with disinfecting things, so just add this to the list. The porous items that have come into contact with toxic water will need to be thrown away for your own safety. Items that are not porous might be able to be saved, and everything else needs to be completely disinfected.

You are then free to move on to replacing wood, cement, or anything else that has been in the unfortunate water path.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
