Simple Solutions to Transform Your Dull Backyard into The Recreational Area for Kids

Last Updated on July 1, 2022 by Kravelv

Kids are active by nature. Still, they can soon make a habit of passive activities if they don’t have the opportunity to enjoy some fun playtime that involves physical movement. It is not always possible to take the kids to the parks, playgrounds and recreational centers so why not create something similar in your own backyard? On the long run, it will save you a lot of time, money and worries while the kids will always be able to have a blast in the open.

Chalkboard fence

If you want your kids to get creative but spend more time outside at the same time, think about installing chalkboards along the fence where you decided the recreation area will be. This trick will not only provide the kids with the opportunity to draw and write in the fresh air, but will also save you from trouble of cleaning some other surfaces such as wooden fence or garden walls.
chalkboard fence

Kids need a swing

It wouldn’t be much of a recreational area for kids if it were missing a swing, would it? Transforming an old chair or tire into a fun swing is a fairly easy task that can be done in less than two days. Of course, the main concern to pay attention to is the fact that the swing is safe for using. Apart from that, ask the kids for their own opinion in painting it and adding other details such as flags from and colorful cloths to the ropes. Girls might prefer flowers all over the ropes and fake flower wines that can be easily intertwined with the rope are readily available.

kids swing

Tree house

What would a childhood be without a tree house? If you are lucky enough to have a sturdy tree in your backyard, use it to create a nice tree house for your kids. This tree house doesn’t have to be movie-like. A simple board with wooden steps or rope ladders will do the trick and the kids will be amazed for sure. If there is absolutely no possibility for a tree house, you can create climbing castles or purchase premade ones, or add tents so that the kids would have a sense of belonging and experience the adventure in their own backyard.

tree house

Add sports equipment

To spice things up, children would have to be provided with some interesting options when it comes to games they can play in the backyard. In your recreational area you can trace the lines of a soccer court with pop up goals, add a basketball post, create a golf field or even paint the circles in the grass for outdoor Twister. Moreover, small climbing wall would be perfect for little daredevils who are not that into traditional sports and games.

Decorate according to kids’ tastes

Remember that you are creating this recreational area for kids to enjoy so make sure to ask them what kind of decoration they would like best. Some may like interesting flower pots, other big striking murals of their favorite characters on the walls and some might enjoy having various storage options for their books and toys so weather-proof trunks would be a perfect addition to the recreational area. It is important to allow the kids to participate in making this part of the backyard into their own fun place because that way they would be most satisfied and content.

backyard soccer

Having a recreational area for kids in your own home can be very beneficial for the proper development of children. Start building the best setting slowly and gradually, and make sure that every aspect in regards to their safety is not overlooked; in addition, make sure that all of the child’s preferences are honored.


Author Bio:

Tracey Clayton is a full time mom of three girls. She loves cooking, baking, sewing, spending quality time with her daughters and she’s passionate for writing. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live.” Find her on Facebook.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
