Remodeling Your Kitchen: 4 Money-Saving Tips

Last Updated on March 8, 2022 by Kravelv

Remodeling your kitchen doesn’t have to cost you a lot and these tips can add value to your home if you plan on selling your house someday. If you’d like to remodel your kitchen, here is some advice to help you get the most from your money:

Use Neutral Colors

The wonderful thing about neutral colors is that they stand the test of time. Although it might be tempting to go with this season’s fashionable color scheme, the decision to go trendy or bold could come back to haunt you. You don’t want to have to go out of your way to find appliances that match your kitchen’s color scheme; and that could be the least of your worries.


Almost no one dislikes neutral colors. That might not seem important now but the right colors can improve lighting, mood, and will appeal many people.

Choose Timeless Materials

Just as you should opt for a neutral color scheme, it’s wise to select materials for your kitchen floor and counters that have nearly universal appeal and are sure to remain popular over time. Good examples are butcher block countertops, especially those made from maple hardwood whose colors are muted, and glazed ceramic tile that is neither too light nor too dark. While you can find less costly materials, both butcher block counter tops and tile floors are attractive, easy to care for and durable. Both are sure to last until you decide to sell your home. In the meantime, you’ll get years of good use out of both these beautiful surfaces.

Sell Your Old Appliances and Buy Energy Efficient Appliances

The fact that you’re finished using an old appliance doesn’t make that appliance useless. If you’re upgrading appliances in your kitchen, hedge some of the cost by selling your old appliances online. That fridge or range that you’re discarding could be the finishing touch to someone else’s kitchen. Since energy-efficient products are usually slightly more expensive, they will save you money in the long run. The money you’ll save every month on your utility bills will more than make up for the extra cash you’ll spend on energy-star appliances. Plus, becoming environmentally sustainable and having lower utility bills will appeal to more prospective buyers if it ever comes time to sell.


Buy During the Fall Season

For the best bargains, remodel your kitchen in autumn—that’s when you’ll be able to scoop up kitchen appliances at discount prices. You can find good deals at appliance stores or search for places that offer discounts for people purchasing all their appliances at once. This is also a good time to look for those timeless cabinets and counter tops that go on sale. And don’t forget to search for good deals online where you can compare prices from many different sources.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
