Pros and Cons of Buying A Wooden House

Last Updated on November 23, 2021 by Kravelv

Are you going to buy your dream house and cannot decide whether you should go for an all-wooden house or not? Consider the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing a wooden house before making a final decision. You’ve come to the perfect site if you’re considering purchasing a wooden home. You must make certain that your investments are in areas in which you are well-versed.

wooden houses in mountain
Photo by Rahat Ali from Pexels

Wooden dwellings are a more cost-effective alternative to standard brick and concrete structures. Wooden homes are good for the environment since they are a part of nature. A few negatives include hefty upkeep expenses and a lack of customization options. Moreover, pests can attack the house and ruin it. Termite attack and infestation are among the major concerns, and to avoid this; you can get termite treatment by Florida Environmental.

We’ll go through the advantages and disadvantages of wooden homes in this article. Learn about the many forms of wooden home building as well. Continue reading to find out more.

Types of Wooden Houses for Eco-Friendly Construction

If you want to create a sustainable house out of wood, you must plant a new tree to replace the one you cut down. That contributes to the preservation of the natural world.

Manufacturers erect the houses at their factories before shipping them to construction sites in huge chunks when it comes to mobile homes. Depending on the total size, they can construct the wooden houses as single pieces or move them in portions.

In the case of log houses, the structure is built or assembled on the spot. The house’s distinctive look is due to the huge wood trunks that were utilized to create it. In addition, the trunks assist in regulating the temperature and humidity of the inside of the house.

Pros of Wooden Home

Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of building a home from wood.

1. Low Energy Consumption

Wooden dwellings tend to be more energy-efficient than those made of other materials because wood is a natural insulator. Sustainable building is possible because the material can keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. It is able to insulate both heat and cold efficiently.

A wooden house will save you hundreds of dollars in energy bills. Studies show that residents in tiny wooden homes may save up to 60% per year on ventilation, heating, and cooling. The materials used in the construction of most wooden houses assist in keeping the interiors quiet and the exteriors at a constant temperature.

2. Attractive In A Natural Way

Wood may be used as a decorative element because of its visual appeal. It’s impossible to predict how a tree’s wood will look or smell. It’s simple to locate a variety of woods depending on their hue.

The design of the wood, on the other hand, might be affected by the slicing process. You may paint or stain the wood to match your personal taste. With a few matt or bright touches, you may turn it into deeper varnished hues. But even if we don’t add any ornamental touches, your property will still appear better.

3. Exceptionally Convenient

There are many ways to change, create, or even manipulate wooden buildings. This makes it easy to adapt or modify the wood for future repairs since it may be cut, shaped, carved, nailed or bolted, weathered, milled, or joined together.

Wood has the advantage of being used or reprocessed once it has served its purpose. Wood may also be used to make a variety of structures. Besides this, it is a fantastic option for homeowners who plan on remodeling their houses in the future.

4. Cost-Effective

It is possible to build wood houses quickly and economically, depending on the design. In terms of construction expenses, they are 30 percent less expensive than standard brick and concrete structures.

Repairing or rebuilding a wood home is a simple and inexpensive process. Because wood is light, you won’t have to spend a lot of money on the foundation of a wood house. Many homes have saved money on heating and cooling expenses by utilizing wood’s natural thermal characteristics (insulation).

Cons of Wooden House

Swelling and insect damage are only some of the difficulties of using wood in construction. With these drawbacks, living in a wooden house isn’t all that great.

1. Easily Damaged

Both abiotic and biotic substances may damage or degrade wood, according to a popular woodworking site. Insects, bacteria, and fungi are examples of biotic forces. Dust beetles and termites pose a serious hazard to wooden structures. They might shorten the longevity of your house.

The sun, water, and wind are examples of abiotic components. When the air is excessively humid, wood can decompose fast. Despite the fact that abiotic agents are a part of nature, you may limit the amount of exposure your home has to them.

2. It Both Shrinks And Expands Easily

Wood is naturally hygroscopic. When you buy a house in a flood-prone location, the house will be able to absorb water from the surrounding environment.

When wood is exposed to moisture, it will contract and expand. Waterproof coatings can be used to prevent this from happening.

3. Catches Flames Easily

Wood is extremely flammable due to its high hydrogen and carbon content. This combination of elements and oxygen may be so destructive during a fire breakout.

Chemicals in certain plants make them more prone to spontaneous combustion. Pinewood’s resinous component, which may catch fire at lower temperatures, is a good illustration.

The Final Pick!

You may now weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a wooden house before deciding whether or not to invest in one. Wooden houses are often energy-efficient and low-cost to construct. Your construction, heating, and air-conditioning expenditures will be greatly reduced. The disadvantages, on the other hand, pose a threat to your investment. Weigh pros and cons before making the final decision!

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
