Make Buildings Nature-Friendly: Materials To Save Energy

Last Updated on March 23, 2022 by Kravelv

With temperatures getting hotter every year, there is even greater clamour in today’s times to save both energy and environment. However, that might still seem unrealistic until people start using radical alternative forms of energy that can actually create good results. While electric cars and solar-powered devices are still slightly remote possibilities, we can at least focus on using energy-efficient materials for making home and buildings. There are a lot of materials apart from concrete and steel for construction and engineering purposes. Here is a look at some of the best nature-friendly materials to be used to make houses, buildings and constructions.

Spray Foam Insulation

Insulation is a common feature used to keep homes either cool or warm. Normally, insulation is made of fibre glass but since it is flimsy, a lot of air produced by heaters and air conditioning devices can escape the room and this means wastage of power. Spray foam insulation is thicker and it helps to keep the air inside the room to a greater extent. This means that there will be more heating or cooling and this saves more energy on your machines. Therefore, spray foam insulation can be a great alternative to other materials for insulating homes and offices.

Bamboo Plywood

Most forms of plywood are made of laminates or solid, authentic timber and that means that you are wasting away both plastic and precious forest wood. Bamboo plants already do not serve much of an ecological purpose and this makes them a good alternative to normal wood. In addition to that, plywood made of bamboo or cane is also non-toxic as compared to some laminated versions that contain too many plastics. It also looks kind of beautiful to have furniture, decorations and cupboards in light, clean and sturdy bamboo that will also last for a long time in the future.

Plastic Composite Lumber

As a further alternative to plywood that comes coated with plastic compounds, there is something known as plastic composite lumber. This is a kind of building material composed of waste, non-toxic plastic and wood fibre. They do not quite have the same aesthetic appeal of bamboo plywood. But they can be really useful in the place of normal wood in smaller spaces like bathrooms or kitchens. They can also be extremely durable under any weather condition. And they can even survive moisture and decay for a long time. This makes it yet another cool idea for making homes energy-efficient.

Recycled Steel

Steel will be good old steel even as you recycle it. While using up too much of metal to make pure steel can be wasteful, you can always use recycled steel which is made of cold form steel. Steel has a natural, inherent density that can be used along with foam or even composite wood to create walls and facades that will keep homes cool and warm. This means that there will be no need for exhausting energy to a great extent. Garages and sheds made of steel also last long and stand the test of time and wear and tear.

Earth and Clay

It is surprisingly delightful to discover that good old Mother Earth can protect us and her energy deposits by one of its simplest gifts. Earth and clay had been used as the traditional materials for building walls and buildings since time immemorial. But even as there is no established system in place for getting walls of earth made, this is indeed a valid alternative. Earth has more density and insulation than any other material. It is also capable of keeping both heat and coolth in control. Additionally, when used with other materials, it can be strong enough to support a whole house.

The Final Word

Many talk about living and working in homes and offices that are nature-friendly to a great extent. Instead of fanciful concepts, the above mentioned materials are excellent alternatives because they are cost-effective, practical and purposeful. Also, none of these alternatives affect the natural aesthetic look and feel of a house or office. In fact, in cases of bamboo or earth, these alternatives will also add to the generally eye-pleasing appeal. So, you should consider using these elements for making your house more energy-efficient than ever.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
