Home Remodeling 101: Ideas for Homeowners

Last Updated on April 6, 2022 by Kravelv

Whether you have recently inherited, bought a new house or simply want to do a makeover to your old estate, you’re going to need to brainstorm for ideas first. Then come the plans, shopping for materials and finally the actual work. We can help you with the first step as there are numerous repairs and alterations you can do to your house. They can be both interior and exterior, as well as minor and major remodeling.

Bathroom Tiles

Most people don’t think of the bathroom as a room that can be remodelled as long as there are no major leaks. However, the tiles get broken, chipped or simply worn out over time, so changing them is a nice touch to any house. They are the most impressive thing in the whole room and their colour can make or break the appearance of the entire bathroom. You can choose some bold bright colour if you are feeling adventurous. In addition, once they come off, you can inspect the piping for corrosion and leaks and repair them on the spot.

Another Floor

If your ceiling is high enough and you have large rooms that resemble halls, much like the houses in the Australian outback; then you’re in luck. These can be divided horizontally to add another surface to the house and increase its overall surface. Basically, you would be adding another floor to the building, thus using up all that empty space. It can only partially loom over the ground floor. This new room can be accessed by a wooden staircase, or if you have children, you can install a ladder or even a pole or a rope for coming down. Actually, this idea is costly, but it is mostly the choice of parents who want to add a children’s room to their home.

Adding a Patio

As far as the outside of the house is concerned, erecting a patio would be a nice addition. It is ideal protection from the elements and especially the scorching sun that is especially detrimental in places like Australia. That is why almost all patios in Brisbane are adorned with climbers planted to provide protection throughout the day when the sun is lower in the sky. Patios create an area where you can relax, all the while breathing in fresh air. The best thing about them is their design, which is so simple that anyone can build them; they just need the easily available parts. Another professional and highly skilled team to look out for is Lakeside Renovation & Design. You will find their insights and recommendations very helpful.

Basement Remodeling

When we think of basements we think of damp, airless spaces that are good only for storage. Most houses have large basements that are either crammed with all kinds of stuff or are completely unused. Instead of letting your basement look like a set of a horror movie, you can turn it into a recreational zone, or even a living space. A little bit of cleaning and painting should make it comfortable enough for spending long periods there. Put in a table for board games, table tennis or hang a dartboard on the wall. This way, you can spend quality time with your family here, turning a problematic area into a leisure oasis.

Repainting the House

In terms of cost, the best solution that you can apply to your house is repainting various surfaces such as walls, ceilings or floors. Let’s face it, these surfaces cover the most of the inside, as well as the outside of your house. Changing them partially, or even better, altogether, will confer the impression that the entire house has changed radically. You can use a single neutral colour, like grey, or go for more vivid colours. Alternatively, you can experiment with painting each surface different. Interior designers do not recommend this solution, but the kids will go crazy about it. Any such remodeling should start from the outer façade because the change is the most obvious here.

There are many other ideas for remodeling your home, but any of the 5 listed here are good to start with. Pick one out and set about turning it into reality before moving to another one, since complete remodeling is a process that takes years.


Author Bio:

Patrick Adams is a freelance writer and rock-blues fan. When he is not writing about home improvement, he loves to play chess, watch basketball, and play his guitar. More than anything, he loves to spend his time in his garage, repairing appliances and creating stuff from wood.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
