Dealing with Roofing Trouble: 3 Reminders for Every Homeowner

Last Updated on March 23, 2022 by Kravelv

Age and extreme weather can leave your roofing with a whole host of problems, especially when you leave them unattended. That’s why you should periodically check your roofing system’s condition to ensure that it remains in top form. However, just a check is not enough. Learning about the things that can hamper its performance, plus how you can deal with roofing problems certainly won’t hurt either. Check out these handy reminders to ensure you have everything covered:

  1. Identify potential issues that can severely affect your roof’s longevity and performance

 You’ll want to make the most of your roof’s service life, ensuring that it continues to provide expected superior weather protection and lasting performance. You can do this by taking a closer look at your roofing system and noting possible warning signs. can make this possible by taking a close look at your system and noting what possible warning signs. Armed with a pair of binoculars, you can do a visual check of your roof from the ground. Here’s what to look for:

PROMPT INSPECTION. Checking for roof damage periodically prevents issues from worsening and allows you to deal with them promptly.

  • Wind Damage. High wind speeds may come and go without apparent incident, but this doesn’t mean your roof is exempt from damage. Most roofing systems are designed to resist wind loads, but there are times when the gusts are strong enough to loosen or even blow off roofing material. According to the National Roofing Contractors Association, wind damage starts at the edge of the system so train your sight along your roof’s edges.
  • Hail Damage. Hailstones can damage your system upon impact, leaving dents and cracks that, over time, grow larger. As with wind damage, hail damage makes it easier for rainwater to seep through your roof and result in water damage inside your home. This kind of damage is trickier to spot because dents in roofing material might not be clearly visible.
  • Gutter Clog. Gutters supports your roofing system by channeling rainwater away from your home’s exterior and foundation. They are, however, are extremely prone to clogs. When water backs up and overflows due to settling leaves, pine needles, dirt, and other loose debris, it may find its way to your roof deck. This can lead to rot and mold growth that can weaken your roofing system.

Investing in speedy yet quality repairs is the best solution for damaged flashing, letting you avoid extensive water damage in your home.

  • Flashing Problems. Make sure that your roof’s flashing are also intact. They cover your system’s most vulnerable areas, such as the spaces around your skylights, chimneys, vents, and valleys. Torn or loose flashing results in roof leaks, as the seals that keep the water at bay have already failed.

If you’ve noticed many of these signs in your own roof system, you should turn to your local roofers for the necessary solution.

  1. Hire a reliable roofing company to deal with the issues

You probably thought about doing the repairs yourself to save money. While that option is incredibly tempting, hiring a roofing professional ensures that the work will be done in a timelier, more efficient manner. And because you’ll be relying heavily on their expertise to get your roof back into shape, your roofer has to be the right one.

To help you pick out the best roofing company, keep these tips in mind:

  • Choose local. A local pro will have a deep know-how of your area’s building codes and regulations. In addition, they’ll help cut back on travel times, while ensuring that the repair work will remain on schedule and on budget. Not to mention that a local business address offers you assurance that you’re not dealing with fly-by-night contractors. To get you started, ask for referrals from friends and family. More often than not, the people you know will be able to provide you with a more accurate description of what to expect from a given roofing company.
  • Look for necessary credentials. These should include the applicable business license, which makes them eligible to perform roofing work in your area. Don’t forget to ask for proof of insurance that includes workers’ compensation and liability coverage. This way, you’ll ensure that you’re working with someone legitimate and that you can protect both yourself and your property from potential mishaps during the project’s course.

Choosing the right contractor ensures that your roof is restored to its good condition, further extending its lifespan.

  • Make sure that they have extensive experience. You’ll want a roofer who has more than ten years of experience. This means that they’re already an established business, with the expertise to work on roof repairs with zero fuss. To confirm, visit their website and look at their previous projects. You can check out online reviews and testimonials on trade sites.
  • Note how they communicate. By making sure you and your roofer are on the same page, you can avoid costly mistakes and get the results that you want. That’s why it’s important that they maintain clear and frequent communications with you. This means answering your questions in a polite, professional manner, while also offering solutions when you have concerns about the work to be done.
  • Ask them about their work process. Will they take measures to protect your home from unnecessary mess, dirt, and damage? Do they offer after-work cleanup? Hiring a roofing contractor who ensures a safe, smooth process and respects your property is the way to go.

 When your roof is far beyond repair, getting a replacement system is the way to go.

  • Check for manufacturer certifications. If your roofer has these, it means that they’ve met stringent testing and training set by a manufacturer. This means they can offer access to top-tier products and deliver superior workmanship that adhere to quality standards. They are also allowed to provide manufacturer warranties that add another layer of protection to your investment.
  1. Invest in replacement when roof damage is irreparable

The better and more permanent solution to an old, failing roof is replacement. This project doesn’t just improve your roof’s resistance to extreme weather–it’s also one of the best ways to spruce up your home. Fortunately, roofing systems today are not just tough but highly beautiful as well, available in a range of options to meet every need and preference.

Knowing how to deal with your roofing problems goes a long way in keeping your home lovely and damage-free in any season. Just remember: hire a trusted roofing contractor for your needs. It’s the first and easiest step in ensuring that you get a roof that can deliver the lasting performance your home deserves.


Author Bio:

John Zatwarnytsky is Homecraft, Inc’s vice president. By providing quality products and services, and aiming for 100% customer satisfaction, he continues to help homeowners improve the look and feel of their living spaces. For updates from John, check out the company’s  blog!


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
