What Is Reblocking? A Quick Guide For Beginners

Last Updated on March 25, 2022 by Kravelv

Reblocking a house means leveling the foundation of a home by replacing the existing stumps. The existing stumps underneath the building become fragile with time. This way, the stumps increase the potency of cracking and breaking easily. So it would help if you replaced them immediately before there was any significant damage.

house with bare backyard

Someday or the other, you might find that the windows, doors and the floor of your residence are not level. This is how you will understand that the stumps beneath your house are damaging. So at once, you will need to contact and hire a professional for handling the entire process. But before hiring the expert, make sure you get an estimation of the reblocking cost.

It would be best if you got things fixed at the right time. If not done, you might incur higher and unnecessary costs. So it is essential for you to protect the reliability of your house, thereby avoiding any damage.

Everything that You Need to Know About Reblocking

The terms – reblocking, underpinning and restumping have one thing in common. All of them are related to the foundation on which your house rests. It also relates to replacing the wooden or concrete stumps underneath the house.

If you notice that the floor and windows of your house are not on the same level, you might consider reblocking. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about reblocking. Let’s dig in to know more about it.

Reblocking – What is it?

Reblocking is the process of rearranging and reconstructing the stumps beneath a settlement. The procedure of reblocking is quite tricky. However, it is immensely beneficial in the long run. While reblocking, specific jacks and sockets are placed on the floor to provide support. As the jacks hold onto the floor, the existing worn out foundation is dug and removed.

After removing the damaged stumps, it is replaced by new ones. On the other hand, you must also remember that reblocking can somewhat cause minor damages to your floor. But you can avoid such damages by installing a perfect flooring option at your residence.

Know About the Importance of Reblocking

If you reside in a flood prone area, the chances are that the stumps of your house will wear away faster. If your house has wooden stumps placed underneath, the chances of damage are even more. And your property will likely deteriorate with moisture and pests. So you need to carry out a reblocking service for your home.

●      Boosts Protection Against Flood

If you reside in a flood prone area, the stumps of your house will damage faster. So you will require reblocking for your home. This procedure will replace the existing stumps with new ones. On the other hand, reblocking will also help your house move higher up than the flood level. So next time when it extensively downpours, you need to fear.

●      Stumps Grow Dreaded Dry Rots

If the stumps beneath your house are made out of wood, there are chances of dry rots prevailing for long. This dread rot eventually rises, thereby causing damage to your property. So it is time for you to consider reblocking.

While you get your house reblocked, the experts and professionals will use materials not to rot. With time, everything around us has undergone an evolution. And so, the new technology will prevent this condition from recurring again. You can either choose concrete, hardwood, galvanized steel, etc.

●      Inflates the Value of Your House

Reblocking has the potential for inflating the valuation of your house. If you ever plan to sell your home in the future, it is recommended to maintain the condition of your house. You can maintain its shape through simple reblocking, thereby increasing its valuation.

Reblocking will increase the beauty of your house and assure the buyer of its safety. Remember that when people purchase a house, they first look at the maintenance costs. So if you sell your home after reblocking it, the worth will eventually increase.

●      Provides Extra Room

Did you know that reblocking can also help you curate an extra room beneath your home? Yes, that is true. If you are a person who loves serenity and looks forward to spending time alone, reblocking is the best option. With reblocking, you can make extra room in the low-set of your house.

Which Stumps are Ideal for Reblocking?

Once you find out that the stumps beneath your house have been damaged, make sure you replace them through reblocking. But reblocking your home doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to move out. You can relax and stay put within your house when it undergoes reblocking.

Another important thing you need to consider is choosing the ideal stumps and replacing the existing ones. But how do you know which one to choose? Let’s check them out.

●      Concrete Stumps

Today, concrete stumps are the most preferred ones during reblocking. They are available in various shapes and sizes and are immensely hardy. It has the best durability and connects exceptionally well. A 10 mm iron rod is secured right from the top to the bottom of the concrete footing.

If you reside in an area with dry soil conditions, concrete stumps are ideal. If you use them in damp areas, the metal used for reinforcing might expand and weaken with time.

●      Timber Stumps

When using a timber stump, make sure they are rot-resistant like – River red gum or Victorian. These stumps are usually way cheaper than the concrete ones, but the durability is lower. If the soil of your residence is soft, make sure to make it hard with concrete and then install the stumps. Rain and flood have high chances of damaging timber stumps rapidly.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
