5 Questions to Ask Licensed & Experienced Electrician before Hiring

Last Updated on March 17, 2022 by Kravelv

Electricians are skilled and licensed professionals who are responsible for the repair, maintenance and installation of the electrical systems and its associated devices. Did you know that every electrician is not the same? In fact, they vary in terms of their type of license, specialization and quality of service. Hence, before hiring any licensed & experienced electrician there are a few aspects that you need to be aware of.

These aspects will let you realize the types of electrical repair services that an electrician has in store for you and whether you are about to count on a trustworthy professional or not. For this, there are five simple questions that you should ask them.

1. What is the Specific Credential/Training you have acquired?

When you have a call for a specific project, be it installation or repair then it is vital to understand the area of expertise that the licensed & experienced electrician has. For instance, there are a few professionals who might be excellent in terms of installation but may not be such a wise option for repair works. Similarly, you cannot hire a commercial electrician for residential projects. This is the reason why you need to ask about the specific training of the professional or the employees of the company.

2. Are Each and Every Service offered by you Insured?

Workplace injury is not a new thing, especially when the job is as tricky as that of an electrician. Even a minor mistake can lead to a disastrous result affecting not only the professional but even your property too. Therefore, before signing a contact with the electrician, carefully go through the:

  • Insurance clause and verify whether the services will be insured or not
  • In case of an hazard, who will be responsible for filing the claim and
  • Whether your property or the area where the electrician will work is protected under it or not.

Remember, there are times when the insurance would just cover the workplace injuries and not the property of the client. This is why it is ideal to consult with the electrician first and then go through the contract to get more information about it.

3. How good is your Turnaround Time for Different Projects?

Without a doubt, the turnaround time of the electrician will be based on the complexities of the project that you have for them. Therefore, do mention the requirements of the project along with the services that will be involved and then ask for a turnaround time. Most electricians will ask for a site inspection, so that they can examine the area appropriately before they begin their work.

4. Do you have Referrals for Similar Projects?

When you are still not sure about the idea of hiring that particular licensed & experienced electrician then ask for referrals for customers who have made use of similar services from them before. Through this, you can discuss with them and make a note of both the positive and the negative aspects that they have to share. This will only simplify the entire process and ensure that you land up with a certified professional who delivers what it claims.

5. Is There Any Form of Guarantee on the Services?

Many people often skip this question, thinking that it would be unreasonable to ask about guarantee on electrical services. However, if you have a guarantee then it helps you in using their services with a peace of mind. This is the reason why more and more licensed & experienced electrician are coming up with a specific guarantee period on their services, so that you can make the most of high quality services without any sort of compromises.

Ask these questions before hand, since you have the right to do so as a customer, and get high quality services!

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

2 Replies to “5 Questions to Ask Licensed & Experienced Electrician before Hiring

  1. Wonderful post! Not only is it interesting but the facts are stated in the most logical manner. It is very important to maintain electrical safety at home or workplace to ignore fire accidents. Keep sharing!

  2. I appreciate that you explained that it would be best to check the information in their insurance first to ensure that all the possible issues will be covered by their policy. I will keep that in mind since I need to hire an electrician tomorrow. This is because of the bitten wires that we noticed in our basement when we cleaned it this morning.

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