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How to Arrange EV Car Charger Installation in Your Home

If you own an electric vehicle – or know somebody who does – then it can be important to get a charger installed properly so that you can keep the car safely topped up. However, this process can seem a lot more complex than it actually is, especially if you have no DIY electric system experience.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

In most cases, you want to leave the installation to the experts: professional electrician contractors or groups that know what they are doing when it comes to EV chargers. But how do you actually arrange it?

Find Your Charger Model

Not all EV chargers are identical, and most are not going to be compatible with every car. Finding the right kind of charger for your own vehicle is important, so be sure to look over any manuals or supplementary information that tell you what kind of charger you would need.

If you can find any specific details about an exact charger model, be sure to use that whenever possible. Using an incorrect charger could cause serious problems further down the line, especially if that charger is not actually designed to charge up your particular model of vehicle.

Remember that power is a major consideration for your charger and not just for compatibility reasons. The more power a charger can offer, the faster it will charge your vehicle – but you need one that is not too powerful. Tethered and untethered chargers can also be an important distinction when it comes to individual car models.

Find an Expert

If you are not confident in installing the charger all by yourself – which many people are not unless they have experience as an electrician – then you should use a third-party contractor instead. Getting an experienced electrician to help with the installation can make a huge difference.

Both commercial and residential EV charge points need to be installed by somebody with the right certifications and licenses to actually handle those charging systems. Make sure that you choose an electrician with the relevant qualifications for this kind of work. Otherwise, you might be at fault if the system breaks down or suffers a dangerous fault.

Choosing a local expert is best. Getting EV car charger home installation for your home in Walpole, MA, is easier, faster, and often slightly cheaper if the contractor is based closer to your home.

Contact Them

The easiest part of the process is actually arranging the installation itself. Your chosen contractor or expert will walk you through the necessary steps, and it only takes a quick phone call to figure out the perfect date for the installation to take place.

After that, you just need to agree on the actual process and finalize the entire installation you have arranged. Go over the finer details and make sure that you understand exactly what will happen as part of the installation, right down to the dates and times it is expected to be finished.

Arranging for an installation like this allows you to get much more control over the end result, and you can take your time choosing the right contractor, time, and install location for your charger. Do not rush ahead, and consider your options before your commit to anything.

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